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Beyond Academics: Building Resilience and Empathy in Chatrabhuj Narsee Classroomss

Chatrabhuj Narsee School (CNS) is a renowned educational institution in Mumbai, known for its rigorous academic curriculum and commitment to holistic development. While academic excellence remains a priority, CNS recognizes that a well-rounded education goes beyond textbooks and exams. The school places a strong emphasis on cultivating social-emotional skills, resilience, and empathy in its students, empowering them to navigate the complexities of life with grace and compassion.

Nurturing Emotional Intelligence

At the heart of CNS’s approach to social-emotional learning (SEL) is the development of emotional intelligence. Students are encouraged to identify, understand, and manage their own emotions, as well as to recognize and empathize with the emotions of others. This is facilitated through a variety of activities, including:

• Circle Time: Regular circle time sessions provide a safe and supportive space for students to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. These discussions help them develop self-awareness, active listening skills, and a sense of community.
• Role-Playing: Through role-playing exercises, students learn to put themselves in others’ shoes, developing empathy and perspective-taking skills. This is particularly helpful in understanding different viewpoints and resolving conflicts peacefully.
• Mindfulness Practices: Mindfulness techniques, such as guided meditation and breathing exercises, are integrated into the school day to help students manage challenges, focus their attention, and cultivate a sense of calm.

Building Resilience

CNS is committed to fostering resilience in its students, equipping them with the tools to cope with challenges, setbacks, and adversity. The school’s approach to building resilience includes:

• Growth Mindset: Students are taught to embrace a growth mindset, believing that their abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. This encourages them to persevere in the face of difficulties, viewing failures as opportunities for learning and growth.
• Problem-Solving Skills: CNS provides ample opportunities for students to develop problem-solving skills through project-based learning, group activities, and real-world challenges. This helps them become resourceful, adaptable, and confident in their ability to overcome obstacles.
• Mentorship Programs: Older students are paired with younger ones as mentors, providing guidance, support, and a positive role model. This fosters a sense of belonging and connection, strengthening the resilience of both mentors and mentees.

Fostering Empathy

Empathy is a core value at CNS, and the school takes a multifaceted approach to cultivating it in its students. This includes:

• Community Service: Students are actively engaged in community service projects, giving them firsthand experience of the challenges faced by others and the importance of compassion and social responsibility.
• Literature and Arts: The school’s curriculum incorporates literature, art, and music that explore diverse perspectives and human experiences, fostering empathy and understanding for different cultures and backgrounds.
• Classroom Discussions: Teachers facilitate open and respectful dialogue on sensitive topics, encouraging students to express their opinions while also listening to and respecting the viewpoints of others.

Practical Examples

The implementation of these SEL practices is woven into the fabric of daily life at CNS. For instance, in a primary classroom, a teacher might lead a circle time discussion on feelings, asking students to share how they felt when they achieved a goal or faced a challenge. In a secondary classroom, students might engage in a role-playing exercise to understand the impact of bullying on the victim and the perpetrator.
CNS also organizes workshops and seminars on topics like conflict resolution, stress management, and communication skills for students and parents. This holistic approach ensures that SEL is not just confined to the classroom but is integrated into the overall school culture and community.


Chatrabhuj Narsee School’s unwavering commitment to building resilience and empathy in its students sets it apart as a leader in holistic education. By focusing on social-emotional learning alongside academic rigor, CNS is empowering its students to become not just successful learners, but also compassionate, resilient, and socially responsible individuals who are well-prepared to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Published Date: 15 May, 2024